2014.08.16-17 第5回 すみだストリートジャズフェスティバル
8月のお盆休みのど真ん中に行われる 「第5回すみだストリートジャズフェスティバル」に、なんと!ことちゃんが参加します!
Warning: Use of undefined constant _HTML - assumed '_HTML' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/users/2/ims/web/kotochan.jp/wp-content/themes/Kotochan2/single_event_pg.php on line 272
イベント名 |
第5回 すみだストリートジャズフェスティバル |
Warning: Use of undefined constant _HTML - assumed '_HTML' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/users/2/ims/web/kotochan.jp/wp-content/themes/Kotochan2/single_event_pg.php on line 272
開催日時 |
2014.8.16 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant _HTML - assumed '_HTML' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/users/2/ims/web/kotochan.jp/wp-content/themes/Kotochan2/single_event_pg.php on line 272
出演日時 |
14:25~ |
Warning: Use of undefined constant _HTML - assumed '_HTML' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/users/2/ims/web/kotochan.jp/wp-content/themes/Kotochan2/single_event_pg.php on line 272
開催場所 |
大横川親水公園ステージ |
Warning: Use of undefined constant _HTML - assumed '_HTML' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/users/2/ims/web/kotochan.jp/wp-content/themes/Kotochan2/single_event_pg.php on line 272
イベントWEB |
http://www.sumida-jazz.jp |